Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's been too long!

Holy crap! It's been a super long time since I've blogged. I guess I've just been super busy. I need to post pictures from my camera on here, it's been waaay too long since I've done that. I have a ton of pictures on there too. So Ramon is taking a nap right now and Amiah is too so I guess I'm a bit lonely. lol. Ramon and I went to see my dad today and he gave us free lunch which is awesome.We are getting low on money too so it worked out quite well. Mmmm oreos. So today I was feeling creative and painted my mirror. I have one of those long mirrors that you can put on the back of a door...It was originally like a brown color around the border. I painted it with black acrylic paint and then used the black and some red paint and did these flames around the inside border on the actual mirror. It turned out pretty cool. It took me such a long time. Like it started out fun to do but then it ended up being a longer task than anticipated. It was fun tho. Anyways,I think I might wake the gremlin up because she has been sleeping for like ever. I'm hoping that she sleeps easy tonight cuz my friend Kerrey is coming over and we are going to hang out and watch some movies. ::waves::

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