Monday, January 30, 2012


So we just got done driving for like 15 hours. We pretty much stopped every single hour due to either us or the baby. The past 3 hours Rhea continued to cry like constantly. She wasn't a happy baby at all. She's pretty sick of being in the car seat for so damn long. We are ending day 2 of our 3 day journey. Tomorrow we are going to finish up driving through Montana and then we'll be in Idaho. I'm excited to start the drive tomorrow because its going to be all mountain terrain. I've missed the mountains. I haven't seen the mountains in person since I was a little kid moving across country from Vegas to Wisconsin. It's going to be beautiful and I'm going to take a bunch of pictures. I would have been posting pictures this whole time on here but my phone barely has any signal on my phone. I guess T-Mobile pretty much doesn't exist in this part of the country. lol. I probably should have known that considering I work for T-Mobile. Eh. Ahh well. I'm PTO and I dont have to work. lol. Anyways. I'll try to update more when I get to Idaho. I might actually have a few minutes besides the end of the night to actually type out some stuff. I cant really do it in the car because i have to have wifi which i can connect my phone up as a hotspot but its not all that great trying to type and ride in the car at the same time. Might get a headache. lol. Okay. I'm exhausted and i'm going to bed. we have a solid like 9 hours of driving tomorrow ahead of us.

1 comment:

Ramon Rosario said...

Yeah i would love to see some of those pics dude. Hook a brother up with those mountains.