Thursday, February 9, 2012


So, its official. My super awesome step mom got me into scrapbooking. I didn't do so good on my first one but I started a new one and so far its looking amazing! I went to hobby lobby and got 50% off of almost every single item I bought, plus 40% off the most expensive item cuz the cashier was super cool and was all about saving me money. We had him one other time too and he did the same thing. He actually loves his job and is always in such a good mood, its a lot of fun. I told him that he's the reason that ill always come back to that store. I always get confused tho cuz I'm not used to havng customer service that good. Lol. I had to tear myself away from my scrapbook in order to start getting ready for bed and now I'mv  on here writing about the fn thing. Obsessed much? Yay! So many more ideas!


mygrl said...

YAY!!! Scrapbooking is so much fun. Hobby Lobby seems like a cool store for supplies.

Ramon Rosario said...

It is looking good keep up the good work Jen!!!!