Thursday, March 12, 2009

I sit and watch...

I feel bad when I can't make things go away. I feel sometimes that I was put here one way or another to help people. I was born with an upbeat and positive attitude and I start my days trying to spread it around because its contagious. I used to hate the world but that part of me has phased out and now I know that life is what you make it. It gets hard and sometimes impossible to work through it but when you stand back and look, life will and does go on. The thing that bothers me is when I don't help people feel better. For any reason that they may be upset I want more than anything to make them feel better. Ill do anything in my power to try to help even when I don't know the cause or reason as to why they feel the way they feel. It hurts inside. I wish I could do more than sit and watch.


Anonymous said...

mmmmm It's Friday the 13th. As much as it might be superstitious, it does make me feel better cause my kids are gonna be with me tonight. Sometimes ya just do things that help without even trying. Keep up the good work.

mygrl said...

I love helping people too! That is why I love my job. My reward isn't the paycheck but the thought of that I make the difference in others life. I could make more money, but prefer doing what I do.Today's world is backwards the people who do the jobs that are helping make less money than the ones who just earn a paycheck. Unless of course your a dr or something.