Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kuh Kuh Krackle

Hello! It's been entirely too long since I've written on here. I guess life get's busy sometimes. I am sitting here, I just painted my nails (using that new Crackle nail polish). I'm waiting for it to dry. Ray is playing his Brink video game and I'm sitting at the dining room table. I'm such a little kid sometimes.I all had my nail polish lined up in front of me ready to pick out my colors. Ray surprised me and brought me home some new purple crackle nail polish that's different than what I have been getting. It's a more expensive brand, so I'm waiting to see how it turns out. 

We got done eating a fantastic dinner not too long ago. I went to Hilander and bought some steaks and rolls so we didn't have fast food. We've been trying to eat better food. Plus we save alot of money if we don't order out so many times. We also bring lunch with us instead of going out to lunch all the time at work. It can add up and it's so bad for you! You can spend so much less money and get so much more food at the grocery store, and better too!

I gave my dad a ride home today. It was good too cuz I was just in time. Amiah was happy too because Papa gave her a cookie and her crankiness disappeared. Papas have that of effect. Sucks we couldn't go see Ramon's dad today. We are planning on going next week. We are going to take a day off work and drive up to Elgin. It'll be right after we get paid too so it'll be easier. 

I better get off here and finish my nails. It's almost time to put the gremlin to bed. I had an awesome day off. Yesterday was awesome too. Amiah and I went with my mom to go to the mall. It was cool cuz I hadn't been there in so long and there were some super cool stores there. I also got one awesome pair of earrings. My mom does good in that department. lol. 

Ok time for the clear coat. Don't be mad that I'm ending this entry. I'll def come back. It's been too long and I've remembered how much I like writing. Ok thanks bye. 

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