Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A great day...

There's nothing like waking up and cooking breakfast of bacon and eggs. It started my day out fantastic.It's the first day of my work week, so far so good. I'm going to have a good day at work. ::keep telling myself that:: and everything's going to go smoothly. I think today I'll get through all my email first thing, and then check my bay's quality scores. Hopefully we get to have dress-down this week because I'm already dressed down. lol. ::shrugs:: ahh well. So this week I only have to work 3 days because I took PTO days for Friday and Saturday because of the shoot. It'll be a nice lil vacation. So I'm growing this thing with hair. His name is Herm. Here's a picture of him. I bought Ramon one too but his is growing better. I don't know why but I hope mine starts growing more so I can style it. lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohh look that was when Herm was just "sprouting!" Them two took off QUICK when you put them in the bowl with the lid, Ramon had a good idea, it was like a big green house for them guys!!

Are they still at work??? How did you trim their hair up on Saturday?? I know you've been trimming 'em up every night since they are in that bowl!!

It's a Greenhouse Heaven!!!