Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I had some time on my hands...

1. What is your occupation? I'm a supervisor for a T-Mobile call center.
2. What color is your underwear ? I have all different colors. Currently the color is red and white.
3. What are you listening to right now ? I'm listening to Ramon playing Fallout 3 and Amiah is kinda whining right now.
4. What was the last thing you ate? I hate some baked bacon and some scrambled eggs and jelly toast. Mmm. I love breakfast.
5. Do you wish on stars? Ummm. No I wish when the time is all one number. Like my favoritest is 11:11 am or pm.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I would be multiple colors, like all tripped out and pretty.
7. How is the weather right now? Absolutely beautiful out. I should probably be out there.
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Umm, I don't remember actually.
9 . Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes. I love my brother actually. :-)
10. How old are you today? Today I am 25 years, 8 months and 16 days old.
11. Favorite drink? I really like Capri Suns and I love sprite and well actually, all soda really. I'm a big soda fan. I need to cut back cuz its not good. lol
12. Favorite sport to watch? Not a big sports fan but I love going to hockey games.
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yep. I used to have it dark red with black underneath. I think I might do it again soon.
14. Favorite perfume or cologne? Umm. Dolce and Gabbana light blue is my favoritest.
15. Pets? 1 hamster named Gizzard.
16. Favorite month? I like October cuz it has 2 great holidays. Birthday and Halloween.
17. Favorite food? Umm. I have lots. I really like papa johns extra cheese and pepperoni pizza. I also love nachos with jalapenos. I love lucky charms and umm most of all... BACON.
18. What was the last movie you watched? I tried watching shutter island but it was awful. We didn't finish it.
19. Favorite day of the year? I don't really have a favorite day.
20. What do you do to vent anger? Ummm. I usually talk to Ramon about things that bother me. Even when it's him. lol That's what best friends are for.
21. Fall or Spring? I like spring cuz I know it's the end of winter. I hate winter.
22. Hugs or kisses? I love hugs!
23. Cherry or Blueberry? If I had to pick one, I'd pick cherry over blueberry.
24. Do you want your friends to email you back ? Ummm. If I email them first I suppose. lol
25. Who is your favorite artist? Sublime.
26. Cats or Dogs? Depends on what breed of dog we're talking about. If it's a pit I wouldn't mind but no ankle biters allowed.
27. Living arrangements? I live with my boyfriend Ramon and our beautiful daughter Amiah.
28. When was the last time you cried? Umm. Yesterday. Ramon and I had an argument and he beat me. lol. Just kidding.
29. What is on the floor of your closet? Clothes.
30. Who is the friend you have had the longest? My brother Gary.
31. What did you do last night? Tried to watch Shutter Island. I didn't do much else. I haven't been feeling good.
32. Favorite smell? Cupcakes or brownies in the oven and baked bacon in the oven. Glorious.
33. What inspires you? I have to say Amiah inspires me. She's so young and fearless.
34. What are you afraid of? I'm terrified of spiders. I also hate centipede things. I will curl up in a ball and hyperventilate.
35. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburger? Spicy hamburger? Umm. I like cheddar on my burgers.
36. Favorite car? Dodge Daytona.
37. Favorite dog breed? We established this already.
38. Number of keys on your key ring? I have no idea without counting them.
39. How many years at your current job? Way too f'n long. Over 3 years.
40. Favorite day of the week? Love Sundays. True blood comes on and so does the next food network star.41. How many states have you lived in? I think I've lived in 5. Illinois, Wisconsin, Washington, California, and Nevada. Am I missing any mom or dad?
42. How many cities have you lived in/name them: San Diego, CA, Chicago, IL, Racine, WI, Rockford, IL, and Las Vegas, NV…I think that's it Gary! lol
43. Do you prefer a laptop or a desktop? Depends on how I'm feeling. I literally switch back and forth throughout a day.
44. Which kind of M+Ms do you like? They used to have mint ones. They came out when the new Indiana Jones movie came out. They were my favorite but they don't have em anymore, so I'll have to say peanut butter.
45. what is your favorite number? 8
46. What do you think of legalizing marijuana? Absolutely.
47. Iced tea or hot tea? Hotty totty?
48. What kind of shampoo do you use?Currently some salon shampoo and conditioner. I got it at walmart and it has pumps. lol
49. How many tattoos do you have? 5
50. How much fun did you have filling this out? Umm. Took me awhile but I did it. I kept forgetting that I was doing the survey. 


Whatcnido said...

You forgot Oak Harbor, Wa. as one of the cities. I was based at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station. Squadron VAQ-135. It was a friggin island! You could only get there by bridge or ferry. We did both. You could take the ferry over to Seattle. It was the last place I was stationed before being honorably discharged. We then went east to the Windy City. Logan Square. You are lucky to have such wonderful parents that exposed you to many places in this great country of ours. You should buy them lots of presents.

Ramon Rosario said...

Very cool dude, you are my best friend also.