Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So she's going mobile...

So Amiah is really going places now. She is rolling across the floor! We were watching her yesterday and she would stare at where she wanted to go and roll over til she got there. It was to the guitar hero guitars too might I add. My lil ninja. It's the best to be able to make her laugh. Its so adorable when she laughs because its a high pitch scream sometimes. lol. It's awesome! Ramon can make her laugh alot! He called me at work the other day and I had the phone on speaker at my desk and he was making her laugh into the phone, it was the most adorable thing ever! My coworkers were cracking up at it. So I've been super productive today, I've done laundry, put clothes away, cleaned the bedroom, did dishes, baked peanut butter cookies from scratch, and bathed Amiah.::does the cabbage patch::

1 comment:

Ramon Rosario said...

Wow dude its been like 2 weeks since you put an update on here. Looking forward to the update.